Where you can go for help:
You can help others by not doing drugs but first you need to start helping yourself. If you dont know what I mean when I say you need to help yourself, you can go to rehab centers, AA meetings, and other ways of guidance. If you want to commit to being sober you must seek guidance, how should you deal with your stress, who you should and shouldn't let back into your life, what your gonna do in your freetime, how do you think about yourself, and the over the counter medicines you take. What I mean is don't let people in your life that will make you feel like being sober is the wrong thing to do. You should never dislike yourself and feel badly about yourself.
Rehab Center
- Recovery Centers of America Addiction treatment centerVoorhees Township, NJ (856) 216-6003
- Ambrosia Treatment Center Drug addiction treatment center Medford, NJ (888) 492-1603
- Ohio Addiction Recovery Center addiction treatment center Columbus, OH (800) 481-8457
- Legacy Freedom Treatment Center Addiction treatment center Columbus, OH (614) 741-2100
- Brandywine Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Inc Wilmington, DE
- St. Francis Center for Rehabilitation & Healthcare Darby, PA
These rehab center's will help you get back on your feet. Some of these also contain AA centers if you feel as those that will help better, once you get to where you need to be in life you will take these shortly after to keep you in track. Once you stop going you should keep being sober or you be right back at the start.